VIDI X in Tennessee arena

The Computer Science Momentum Expedition event was an opportunity to introduce an even larger group of teachers from the state of Tennessee to VIDI X, our advanced solution for STEAM education. Nashville’s GEODIS park was the location for the education community to gather for education, inspiration and networking, and VIDI X booth attracted many teachers and education professionals.

At the VIDI X booth teachers had the opportunity to try out our educational solution and experience firsthand why more and more schools in America are using VIDI X.

After visiting Connecticut, December was dedicated to a tour of American schools that already use the VIDI X solution in teaching. Their countless questions about VIDI X and the satisfied faces of the students are the best indicator of how we have created an excellent educational program that unlocks that “Eureka” moment in students and helps teachers to transfer STEAM skills more easily, because everything is based on the motivation and inspiration of the students themselves.

If you wish to see more about VIDI X, take a look at the video:

If you would like to customize VIDI X 3D printed case as this group of gifted students from L&N STEM Academy you can dowload the VIDI X case 3D files!