VIDI-X workshop at the international innovation exhibition ARCA 2023
Under the leadership of their professors, the students of the 1st Tesla Technical School showed middle school students the possibilities of the VIDI-X microcomputer at the 21st International Exhibition of Innovations ARCA 2023.
Teachers prepared and taught their students about the VIDI-X microcomputer so that they would be ready to work with students in the seventh and eighth grades of middle school. Unlike lectures delivered by a single teacher, this method of imparting knowledge enabled a unique experience and ensured quality transfer of knowledge.
For middle school students, this model meant that they had their own instructor in smaller groups, which enabled greater interaction with the microcomputer and their new “teachers”.
For the high school students who found themselves in the role of teacher, this experience was developmental because they had to familiarize themselves with the VIDI-X microcomputer in detail and prepare for every question that the elementary school students could ask them at the workshop.