Fantastic new games & inspired students? Yes, that is VIDI X Game Dev Challenge 2024!
VIDI X Game Dev Challenge 2024 winners delighted the jury...
VIDI X Experience Day event in East Tennessee
The VIDI X Experience Day for East Tennessee school system...
VIDI X in Tennessee arena
The Computer Science Momentum Expedition event was an opportunity to...
VIDI X at STEMwave Connecticut
VIDI X is again in the hands of American students....
VIDI-X workshop at the international innovation exhibition ARCA 2023
Under the leadership of their professors, the students of the...
VIDI X at the 12th Science Picnic
At the 12th Scientific Picnic VIDI X Tic-Tac-Toe Cup sparked...
VIDI X Delights Young Computer Scientists at Computer Association’s Summer Camp!
The widespread acceptance of VIDI X among educational institutions and...
VIDI X Now “Speaks” French!
VIDI X introduced to 18 vice-principals from French technical schools.
VIDI X Thrills Students at Innovation Day 2023
On the Innovation Day 2023, VIDI X sparked great interest...
VIDI X at the Arca 2022 Innovation Exhibition
The Croatian Association of Innovators hosted the ARCA 2022 exhibition...
VIDI X Microcomputer Makes Its Debut at Đakovo Gymnasium!
Thanks to SofaScore, we were able to provide VIDI X...